Эпизод "Death Match at Sunrise: The Lightning Emperor vs. Doctor Jackal, 2002". Вся информация о нём на KinoClever

Death Match at Sunrise: The Lightning Emperor vs. Doctor Jackal

Deathmatch at Sunrise: The Lightning Emperor vs. Dr. J

As The GetBackers return with the package, the semi comes charging through the alleyways, eventually being cornered at a shrine. After a big battle, Ban renders Himiko unconscious and Genji pulls all the knifes out of Jackal using electromagnetic powers and then they take off with the package. As they near their destination, Ban realizes, a little to late, the Himiko used timed perfume on them to paralyze them. As Genji lays stunned, the semi comes rolling in and as all hope seems lost, Ban uses the Jagan on a flock of birds to make them swerve away. After they return the package, they are both given one tenth of a platinum melon.