Эпизод "Season 3, Episode 26, 2008". Вся информация о нём на KinoClever

Season 3, Episode 26

Episode 3.26

It's finals day, and after a whole year of training at Solar Blue, the kids are pumped. It's now time to show everyone what they're made of. But when Angus makes a surprise visit to the Academy, his news throws the whole event into turmoil. Solar Blue is to be closed with immediate effect and there's no money for a wild card or a year's worth of sponsorship. Bec, Garry and the kids are devastated. Everything that they have been working towards has been taken away and there is nothing they can do. Simmo returns as a surprise judge and refuses to accept the news. After convincing a local surf company to supply the team with both the wild cards and the sponsorship money needed for a year on the circuit, the event is saved and the surf off begins. The competition is tight. Simmo congratulates the kids, telling them that it's the best Solar Blue finals he has ever seen. Now, there's only one remaining issue to finalise - which girl and which boy will win the wild cards?