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Hikaru and the Fun Amusement Park!

Hikaru and Fun Amusement Park!

Amu and Rikka notice that Hikaru never laughs or shows any facial expression, so Amu decides to take Hikaru out to an amusement park to try and make him laugh. When they get there on Sunday, the bars are locked. But with a simple click of his fingers, Hikaru unlocks the gate. He explains that Easter has bought the amusement park and is planning to re-open it soon. They go onto the ferris wheel first, only to realize that Hotaru is unexpectedly afraid of heights. She says that she is okay flying at Rikka's height, but any higher than that and she becomes dizzy. They go on a series of rides and finish off with the spinning teacup, when Amu thinks back to her "date" with Ikuto. When they step off the cup, Amu, Rikka and their Charas are all dizzy and can't seem to walk properly. When Hikaru steps off, he collapses straight onto the ground, stunned. Amu and Rikka crowd around him and asks what's wrong. Hikaru then starts to roll around, laughing. Miki thinks that Hikaru hit his head, but Hikaru explains that everything was okay and that he found it unbelievable that he couldn't control his body after spinning so much, before laughing some more. Amu and Rikka are shocked for a second, then realize what's happened. They both then decide to spin some more and collapse in a dizzy heap, laughing. Hikaru and Rikka fall holding hands. Rikka says that Hikaru's smile is really something. Amu looks on and smiles.