Эпизод "Tree For Two / Waiting For Baloo, 1997". Вся информация о нём на KinoClever

Tree For Two / Waiting For Baloo

Waiting for Baloo: Prince Louie gives Baloo a bunch of bananas that Baloo MUST deliver to the baboons in time or the jungle will turn into self-distruction. Baloo then takes the banana's and goes out when he starts to fool around and then realizes that the jungle will turn into self-distruction, so then he get's new banana's to replace the dead ones. But he was too late. The jungle was left with self distruction untill Baloo wakes up and realizes it was all a dream. Tree for Two: Bagheera and Louie try to live together in one tree after a storm destroys their old trees. But there friendship becomes very annoying when the two have problems with living with each other.