**from SoapCity. com** John/Marlena celebrate their belated anniversary at Tuscany. Marlena tells John the best gift he could give her would be to end the feud with the DiMeras once and for all. John believes Tony is a threat, but allows Marlena to believe that he's letting it go. She gives him a new leather briefcase as a symbol of the durability of their marriage, and he gives her three charms -- the sun, the moon and the stars. As Marlena goes to call Belle, John privately vows that he must watch Tony to protect his family... Jennifer is upset when she finds Jack's file of information about Colin on a shared computer drive. He pleads with her to read it because he fears for her safety, but she is unwavering. Jack finally gives Jennifer an ultimatum: if she won't give him the green light on this story, then he quits! Meanwhile, Colin and Tony meet at the hospital and it's revealed that Colin is working with Tony; his mission is to help Tony claim his position as the head of the DiMera