Эпизод "Эпизод 91, 2003". Вся информация о нём на KinoClever

Эпизод 91

Ep. #9520

PREVIEW: Sami's plan to get close to Brandon backfires; Abe and Lexie start Lamaze classes; Belle and Shawn make up. SUMMARY: **from SoapCity. com** Marlena returns home from the pub with Tony right behind her; he wants to talk about Cassie/Rex and suggests they do it over dinner at the Blue Note. She can see that he is a regular here as mobster-type men continue to interrupt them. Bart approaches them with news that he's tracked down Rolf and Marlena insists on going with Tony to question him about the conception of the Twins... Brandon and Sami are enjoying living together as Brandon makes dinner and Sami balances her checkbook, but things turn sour when Brandon rejects Sami's suggestion to open a joint bank account. He accuses her of trying to push him toward the altar, but the fight is interrupted when Fay arrives. Not soon after, Brandon is paged to the hospital, but Sami suggests Fay stay and visit. She attempts to befriend Fay to get closer to Brandon, but it backfires as she