Carly learns that despite everything Vivian keeps in contact with Nicholas. "Rafe" dons some hospital scrubs so he can sneak into Fay's room, but is interrupted by Maxine. Fay pleads with Nicole not to leave her side. An orderly sees Rafe reading a book, but he says as he leaves that it'll do him some good. Abe sees where Taylor is going with her theory and wants her to stop thinking like that, cause it's not her fault. Hope finds out that the kids are still treating Ciara badly cause of her being in prison. Lexie comes in when Nicole says that her mother can't breathe and comes out and tells Taylor that she was trying to tell her something. Carly calls Nicholas but he refuses to forgive Carly for Lawrence's death. "Rafe" sees as Taylor and Nicole are around Fay's room keeping him from going in. Bo and Hope take their relationship to the next level. Gus tells Vivian that's it's gonna be a long night with what he found out. Abe tells Nicole to go home and get some rest and she can check on Fay in the morning. Carly finds herself tempted and takes some pills from the medicine cart, but throws them out. Fay wakes up to find "Rafe" sitting at the end of her bed.