Эпизод "Эпизод 126, 2011". Вся информация о нём на KinoClever

Эпизод 126


E. J. tells Stefano that he's going to end his marriage to Nicole so he can marry Taylor. Taylor asks Nicole what is going to shock her. Sami asks "Rafe" if he did in fact bring a woman and sleep with her in their bed. Rafe wakes up in a strange place wondering where he is. Dario pretends not to care about seeing Melanie with Brady at the Cheatin Heart. Sami tells "Rafe" that the man she married would never have done something like this. Nicole tells Taylor that E. J. isn't capable of loving anyone. Stefano tells E. J. that Marco just said that Troy is starting to show signs of life. Sister Rose explains to Rafe that she came across him unconscious in the woods. Sami comes close to slapping "Rafe" after he calls her a bitch. Taylor tells E. J. that she never made it to Lexie's but encountered Nicole instead. Sami goes and tells Caroline that her marriage to Rafe is over. Sister Rose tells Rafe she hopes he'll get the answers tomorrow. E. J. asks Nicole for a divorce. Stefano tells "Rafe" that since he's done what he's accomplished to get out of Salem.