Эпизод "Эпизод 194, 2012". Вся информация о нём на KinoClever

Эпизод 194

Ep. #11905

Chad tells Daniel that Melanie is determined to put her life back together. Maggie steps in and tells Julie to back off cause this is the last thing Melanie needs. Sami and Rafe touch hands and feels sort of a connection. Nick gets a visit from Hope saying he wants this parole more then anything, Hope tells him about Melanie's recent abduction which stirred up some memories. Nicole tells Rafe that she almost lost the baby during the explosion. Lucas encounters Sami and makes it clear he doesn't want to talk to her. Nick thinks back to the last thing Melanie said to him before going off to prison. Rafe asks Nicole who the mystery man in her life is. Melanie gets a letter regarding Nick's parole hearing, and opens up to Chad about what she went through.