Sami goes to see Chad asking what he and E. J. where talking about last night. Gabi tells Rafe the good news about her deal Chad made with Nick and won't be pursuing her anymore. E. J. works to get Chad's depositions thrown out and asks his lawyer to find a loophole. Maggie tells Jennifer to stop hurting Daniel. Abigail sees that Cameron has moved on to someone else. Nicole comes up with an idea but Daniel thinks that her moving away is not an option. Chad is furious after Sami tells him what E. J. was planning. Maggie comes home to a surprise brunch Victor has spread out for her. Sami and Rafe go in search of each other and see each other from a far in the town square. Jennifer asks Daniel if he would want to pick up where they left off being friends. Chad confronts E. J. about his deception about him only doing this in order to get Sami back. Dr. Sedwick tells Nicole she is not hearing a heartbeat on the fetal monitor.