Эпизод "Эпизод 238, 2012". Вся информация о нём на KinoClever

Эпизод 238

Ep. #11948

Bo tells Victor and Maggie that he's leaving today for California. Will and Sonny set the mood thinking now is the perfect time to be together. Sami tells Marlena that Stefano demoted her at Countess W. and put Kristen in charge of everything. Lucas interrupts Sonny and Will as they're about to make love saying he needs to be there for Caroline. Sami ignores a call from Rafe. Billie presents Nick with an envelope and it being a job offer. Sonny stands up for Will when Lucas says his son isn't ready, he says if the situation would be different if he were a female instead. Lucas tells Billie he thinks that in a way Sonny is using Will. John and Marlena wish Bo as well asa recovery for Caroline. Rafe and Sami reveal their feelings to one another.