Melanie approaches Daniel and asks him why he's not on the surgical rotation anymore, he says his hands been shaking. Marlena is awaken by John seeing it wasn't a dream. E. J. wonders how the police got the evidence that cleared John saying he was careful in framing him. Quinn tries to distract Daniel. Jack seizes an opportunity to spend some time with Jennifer by giving her a present that she hasn't opened yet. E. J. tells Stefano it was probably someone who leaked the information to Carrie and Rafe. John thanks Abe for the press conference so he can let the repayment can begin. Jennifer sees that Jack thought plenty on a family trip to Hawaii. Brady explores other options to Daniel about being a surgical consultant if his test results come back positive. Melanie tells Maggie that there's nothing between her and Chad cause she lied to him on how she really feels. E. J. and Stefano watch as John makes his statement in front of the press. Jack moves in to kiss Jennifer and loses his balance falling backwards into the tree.