John and Hope recall their passionate past, while in Alamainia. Sami goes to Rafe wanting him to watch the children while she's away on Countess W. business. Daniel sees that Nicole hasn't been taking care of herself, and says she plans on keeping the baby. E. J. presents an opportunity to Lexie regarding a proposal to increase a better health plan for the citizens of Salem. Hope tells John exactly what's going on here, cause she can see the signs. Rafe tells Sami he'll look after the kids while she's gone but it doesn't change anything between them. Lexie tells E. J. she's going to think about what he said and isn't making any promises. Nicole tells Daniel he's the only one that can keep her baby a secret. Sami tells E. J. she's doesn't feel sorry for him after he says that Nicole walked out on him. Hope tells John that she is going to come along at his meeting with Walsh at the cafe.