Nicole asks Rafe for his help in getting her out of town. Chad tells Gabi that Melanie thinks he's cheating on her with someone else. E. J. takes Sami to an apartment and says it's all hers. Stefano explains to John and Gina about the location of an exquisite egg and where they hid it. Chad shows Gabi the earring and she confirms that it's hers, they then go and talk with Melanie. Kayla asks Lucas if he still has feelings for Sami. Gina offers Stefano a compromise a pay out in exchange for the egg. Rafe tells Nicole there's no need for her to leave town. Lucas approaches E. J. and tells him to stay away from Sami. Gina and John disable the cameras in the hotel room leaving Stefano to vow not to lose once again. Abigail asks Gabi how she really lost her cause it's a little too convenient. Lucas tells Sami he has to get back to Hong Kong. E. J. accidentally finds out and asks Nicole if she's really pregnant.