Sami brings Johnny and Sydney to the pub to drop off Caroline's Christmas present. Nicole tries to be there for Eric, but he tells he says to focus on her work. Kristen does some research on the internet about Brady. Abe brings Theo to visit Lexie's grave on Christmas Eve and run into E. J. and Chad. Caroline understands why Sami has feelings for two different men. Eric opens up to Nicole about his time in Africa and the village being destroyed by rebel terrorists. Kayla is upset that Stephanie won't be coming home for the holidays. Abe tells E. J. to honor Lexie in a different way by not getting involved with Kristen and all her drama. Johnny tells Sydney that he is willing to share is penguin since Rafe is unable to get her one. Kristen invites Chad to come to the house Christmas Day cause she and E. J. are gonna do a video conference with Stefano.