Эпизод "Эпизод 44, 2013". Вся информация о нём на KinoClever

Эпизод 44

Ep. #11999

Hope interrupts a loving moment between Sami and Rafe. Sonny asks Chad why he is attending Gabi's wedding when he doesn't even like her. Will asks Nick why he can't be the godfather of the baby. Jennifer explains the details to Abigail after finding out that Parker is really his son after all. Kate tells Lucas of Chloe's imminent return town, he sees it as an opportunity for her to go after Daniel and leave Jennifer alone. Gabi is more confident after a phone conversation with her mother. Daniel wants Jennifer to be apart of his as well as Parker's life. Chloe overhears Anne talking trash to another nurse about Jennifer and decides to use it against her. The wedding gets under way as Rafe walks Gabi down the aisle. Chad stands up saying that Gabi should be marrying the real father of her baby instead of Nick.