Эпизод "Эпизод 7, 2015". Вся информация о нём на KinoClever

Эпизод 7

Tuesday September 29, 2015

With Theresa's help, Eve picks out a dress for Paige to be buried in. Her anger slowly builds over the depth of her loss and her inability to cope. She goes to the police station, angrily complaining to Justin there has been no justice for her daughter. Justin sees she's spinning out of control and does his best to comfort her. He even offers to escort her to the service. She calms for a time, but later, while collecting Paige's things to donate to charity, she loses it. Adrienne has blood drawn to test for the genetic marker that may affect how likely she is to get breast cancer, like her mother. Kayla tries to calm her anxieties but later, Adrienne sees Justin comforting Eve. She tenses up - and Lucas sees. He gets her alone, and she confesses what she's going through. Later, when she has the same opportunity to let Justin know about her situation, she holds back. Earlier, Will and Lucas catch up. Will pushes his dad not to give up on Adrienne.