Эпизод "A Glass of Warm Ed, 1999". Вся информация о нём на KinoClever

A Glass of Warm Ed

A Glass Of Warm Ed

Edd wakes up from a peaceful sleep to noises below him. He realizes there's an intruder in the house, grabs his cactus Jim, and goes downstairs. Nervously, he approaches a figure rummaging through his fridge, and realizes it's just Ed. But something's wrong, Ed's sleepwalking. Ed grabs all the food from Double-Dee's fridge and leaves. Edd heads over to Eddy's house to warn him. Edd and Eddy follow Ed as he steals all the food in the cul-de-sac, and manage to lure him back into his room. They tie him to his bed, but he still manages to escape and continues his sleepy gorging. The next morning, the cul-de-sac kids are without breakfast. Eddy comes up with a great idea, and sells the food from within Ed's belly, much to Double-Dee's disgust.