Эпизод "Mirror, Mirror, on the Ed, 1999". Вся информация о нём на KinoClever

Mirror, Mirror, on the Ed

Mirror Mirror On the Ed

The Eds are taking a walk when they stumble on to the cul-de-sac kids playing Truth or Dare. The Eds want to join but all the kids quit, leaving the boys alone. They play by themselves and then Ed dares Eddy to be Double-Dee who dares Ed to be Eddy who dares Edd to be Ed. In the next scene Rolf is looking for Ed but when he finds him it's really Edd wearing Ed's clothes a comb tied onto his head (over his sock hat) and a piece of paper around his neck. Ed is in Eddy's clothes which are too small for him and Eddy is in Edd's clothes and he's wearing an old sock on his head. After a lot of confuison Edd ends up at Ed's house. Eddy is hiding from Kevin in Edd's house. And Ed takes a dare from Jonny 2x4 to be Plank.