Brad/Katrina, Ruddy/Allison, Jamie/Vanessa written by Gregg McBride, directed by Danny Salles The guys are set for the underwear party, only to find their girlfriends there. They are surprised, and the girls decide to go naked, and asks them to do the same. The emerges in robes and takes pictures of their willys. Other girls then start to take pictures of them, and their girlfriends tell them that they had to be taught a lesson. The pictures then will appear on the internet. Everyone then leaves, except the guys. Dominique/Pilar, Jonathan/Mona written by Lizzy Weiss, directed by Danny Salles Dominique is trying to be like her sister Mona. Dominique and Joy becomes friends, and Mona and Jonathan becomes friends as well. Mona and Joy are playing a game of Othello, and Pilar, Joy's new roommate shows up. It is revealed that Pilar is bi. Mona is interested, but Pilar isn't. Pilar then spots Mona and Jonathan talking, and he leaves. Pilar sheds an interest, and Mona tells him tha