Renzo/Carla written by Steven S. DeKnight, directed by Dale Roy Robinson Renzo admits to Casey that it was a mistake sleeping with Carla, and she hears this. Renzo and Carla do not speak to each other, But Casey and Paige set them up to play Casey's bowl of truth (remember Renzo's bowl of fantasies?). They say all this sappy stuff, and one question appears, ""Do you think, Your falling in love with me?"" and Renzo tells Carla yes. In the end, they decide they are right for each other. [This segment ends] Josh/Marreth written by Steven S. DeKnight, directed by Dale Roy Robinson Amelia shows up and Josh's place which pisses Marreth off. Amelia tells Josh to leave them alone for a moment, and he does. Amelia talks to Marreth, where they have a good time. Josh returns home, and Marreth forgives him. With all the thinking he done, he think their relationship cannot work. In the end, they kiss each other goodbye, ending their relationship. [This segment ends] Jamie/Denise, Vanessa/Eddi