Brandon remains loyal, Harry takes more and more of the pieces on the board for himself, Maria and BD are in love, and BD is set to name the next heir to Millennion. Everything seems to be going smoothly until the deciding meeting. Harry and BD stare each other down and then, as a complete shock to all present, BD names Arzac Tino(a character we don't know) as the new leader. Harry is the first to clap, followed by Bear... Later, when Harry returns to HQ and finds Bob listening device still plugged into the meeting hall, he hears a conversation between BD and Brandon, where Brandon convinces BD that Harry would never betray, but that Brandon would kill ANYONE who did, leaving Harry on the other end speechless. Three months later, while Harry and Brand are hanging out, Harry mentions to Brandon that Arzac has "mysteriously" gone into a coma and while the two are driving away, Brandon says they should stop by the cemetery to visit Kenny and the rest, but Harry seems to have forgotten who Kenny is at first. The two look upon the graves and reminisce, and as they pass the orphanage where they met Harry decides to buy it and rebuild it right. Harry and Brandon walk onto the elevator and head to the 25th floor. Harry asks Brandon to kill BD so that Harry can gain full power and Maria can belong to Brandon. Brandon punches him in the face and pulls out his Beretta, aiming it at Harry. In the end, however, Brandon can't bring himself to shoot his best friend, so Harry pulls out his own gun and shoots Brandon repeatedly in the chest, followed by a kill shot to his left eye.