The ruthless soldier/hitman, Blood War(Volcano), is released from prison after serving only eight years for taking 327 lives. He is returned his gold revolver and soon after his silver one, which was in the care of his best friend, Cannon Vulkan(Lightning). Cannon shows Brad the project he has spent seven years on: a way to raise the dead, thus making an invincible army from a resource in near limitless supply. Dr. Tokioka is working on this project, making it clear exactly what Ladd did with him earlier in the series. This technique not only raises the dead as a mindless and obedient husk, but also improves on the body's physical structure, making it stronger and more menacing by the addition of bone spikes and protrusions. Blood decides to have his section of Volcano expelled and merge it with Lightning, meanwhile, Brandon and Bear have formed two groups of assassins within Millennion, Bear's Overkills and Brandon's True Grave. Harry volunteers to take care of whatever Blood and Cannon are up to, only to find out Cannon has just killed his boss to become head of Lightning. Harry and Brandon confront the two, and even Blood is afraid of Brandon, however Blood's need to make the world into his own private battlefield Blood executes all 24 of his underlings by episode's end. Cannon and Lee also seem to have struck up some kind of deal, the logistics of which are unknown.