Эпизод "Dusk of the Destroyers, 2004". Вся информация о нём на KinoClever

Dusk of the Destroyers

Bunji's cat wanders the streets, chasing his master's ghost. Grave and Harry enter the clubhouse and sit down in their old booth across from each other. Harry reflects on how Brandon was brought back and if Brandon truly understood all of what Harry had really been doing the whole time: the murders, necrolyzation research, everything. Harry believes that Brandon hasn't changed a bit in all these years and asks Brandon why he didn't kill him back then. Brandon responds that he believed that Harry could become "Millennion.” Harry revels in what he believes to be true, but Brandon tells him that Millennion isn't just about power and control. Brandon and Harry each see one another as the one who betrayed. Harry pulls out a bottle of bourbon from the year they were born and proposes a toast. Harry realizes that Big Daddy's words were true, Big Daddy was the original, the whiskey, Harry was only a derivative, bourbon. However, Harry sees Big Daddy as evil as his crimes, but Brandon points out that Big Daddy knew his mistakes and still tried to seek "harmony” in all things. This, Brandon says, is what Millennion is all about. Harry can't stand Brandon's loyalty to Big Daddy, and tries to figure out where things all went so wrong. Harry then lays Brandon and Harry's guns from the elevator sequence, which ended in Brandon's death, on the table. As they draw their guns at one another, they share a memory of a cloth blowing in the wind, obscuring the sun. They both turn and fire at a Millennion agent at the window, and we're shown reinforcements gathering all around them. As the agents open fire on the building, the two men join sides once again, attempting to stave off the forces surrounding them. As Brandon dives in front of Harry, Brandon takes two bullets to the chest and pins two of the assailants to the ground, gun drawn. Brandon looks into their eyes and decides to spare their lives. Harry demands to know why Brandon is defending them; the agents outside are equally confused. Biscoe reports to Mika that they have located Brandon, but that they cannot let her near him as he is presently with Harry. Mika pleads to Biscoe to call off the agents on Brandon, but Biscoe repeatedly insists that he can't. Mika rushes from the building to the slums of West District. As Brandon and Harry fight off the agents, Harry is hit in the chest, and Brandon continues to use non-offensive techniques to defeat the soldiers. Meanwhile, soldiers armed with anti-Necrolyze munitions began to take up position near the building. Harry and Brandon both begin to see visions of the past, all their old friends, and all the comforts of a simple life. Harry asks Brandon again why he now protects Harry, after all that Harry has done to him. And as Harry realizes that all he ever had in the world is gone, he asks Brandon to kill him. As he does, a grenade lands at the other side of the building, and Brandon quickly dives on top of Harry to protect him. Meanwhile, Biscoe gives Mika a ride to the slums. As Harry begins to fade, he remembers all the people he loved, only to realize that Brandon stands over his body, protecting him. Brandon rises up from the rubble and takes down two of the swat troops that just arrived and is then shot in the leg with an anti-Necrolyze bullet. Harry tosses Brandon his own gun, and in doing so draws the attention of the rest of the troops, and Harry is shot repeatedly. Brandon rises slowly from the ground, Harry's gun in hand, and let's out a cry of both anger and agony. Elsewhere, Biscoe is trying to call off the attack. Harry, staggering to get up, crawls over to Brandon who has just collapsed on the floor. Brandon realizes that he made a mistake in choosing Harry over Millennion, but that he has no regrets and could never shoot Harry. Once more the two drift back to the memory of when they were children, chasing that cloth in the wind. They both wish to go back to those days and both raise their guns to the other's head. They both pull the triggers and... As the credits begin to roll, we see Mika rushing out of the car to Brandon, images of her last encounter with him flashing through her mind. As she approaches him, agents and troops stand in silence around a sight the camera doesn't reveal. Mika looks upon this and smiles, realizing what a true family is. The credits continue to roll, showing various characters throughout the series calling out the names of Harry, Brandon, and even Grave and "aniki.” We see the younger Harry and Brandon lying on the ground, after just having been beat by the caretaker of their orphanage. This is where the two first meet. They shake hands, the director's name appears, and we hear Mika say, simply, "welcome home.”