Over a decade later... City officials, including the governor, are planning to put a stop to the Mafia when suddenly an OrgMan appears on the road in front of them, and kills all of them. Harry controls everything, but still wants more. Bunji is as on-edge as ever, he shoots people who work for him if they slack off even the slightest. OrgMan production is on the up(with Bear and Bob as overseers), but each OrgMan requires a base body of at least a specific athletic talent, and to create Superiors you need a body of the highest caliber(both physically and physiologically) for it to work right. Lee, due to emotional repression at the highest level, has gone inwardly insane, and now has people who don't measure up to the OrgMan status gathered in one room where he can use his new Superior powers to dice them up. Harry continues to visit and bring gifts to the orphanage he bought in episode 14, where the children there call him "Grandpa Harry", Sherry looks on at this and still sees only the good in Harry. This is followed by Harry learning that Maria has had a daughter, not wanting to bother with talk of "the rightful heir", he ordered his men to take care of it. Cut to a girl riding a bike on the country side, her name is Mika and she is the daughter of Maria, who Mika is know living with along with Tokioka(butler), and it has been 13 years since they left Billion. The Mafia rrive and Tokioka takes Mika from the home, as they flee, Mika sees her mother murdered on the front porch by Harry's men. Mika knows nothing about the Mafia, so Tokioka tells her about the past. Tokioka is killed by an OrgMan who jumps the care, and Mika flees with the case to see Tokioka's brother and to awaken Brandon Heat. Tokioka(doctor) finds Mika collapsed in the snow with the case, he powers up the 16-wheeler but is soon attacked by OrgMen, Mika's screams awaken Brandon.