As a sneering A. J. goads his ex-wife, Sonny emerges from the ballroom and gently urges Carly to put the gun down. Elizabeth commends Nikolas for his courageous remarks during the Nurses' Ball. Alison trails Juan back to L&B and fawns all over the studio's newest star. Felicia confides to Chloe how she can't seem to resist Luke's charms no matter how hard she tries. Reminding Carly how much Michael needs his mother, Sonny finally convinces her to surrender the gun. Afterwards, Sonny warns a shaken A. J. to forget everything that just transpired. Mac icily rejects Chloe's unsolicited advice when she asks him to reconsider the divorce. Caught off guard by Alison's come-on, Juan reminds her that he already has a steady girlfriend. At the studio, Elizabeth mistakes Lucky for an intruder and wallops him on the head. A. J. wastes no time bragging to Hannah about how he narrowly escaped death. Emily is touched to learn that Juan put her poem to music. Concerned about Carly's fragile state of min