Due to his father's work, Kōichi Sakakibara moves with his grandparents to Yomiyama to live with his aunt Reiko. Due to a pneumothorax, he spends his first month there hospitalized, thus missing his first day of school. Three students from his class visit him, but they act strange and ask him lots of personal questions. In the hospital's elevator, Kōichi meets a girl with an eyepatch, who introduces herself as Mei Misaki. When Kōichi recovers, he goes to school, and everyone is friendly with him. When he asks Yukari where Misaki is, she gives him a shocked reaction, pretending not to know who he is talking about. During his conversation with Mei on the roof, she tells him not to get too close to her, saying that their class is much "more closer to death" than other classes. On his way home, he sees Mei looking up at the sky while it is raining.