Meet Panny Panesar from Leeds, who has been hammering away at his kitchen for years, yet it looks like a bike shed. Nothing's fitted in properly and his extractor fan only works if the wind's blowing! Chris Keenan lives near Southampton. For reasons known only to himself, his claim to fame is a talent for re-purposing possessions that work perfectly well into other things that don't. Meanwhile, Mickey Francis is a DIY tornado. Never happier than when he is in repair mode, he has been battling away in the eye of a particularly wet storm: a perpetually leaking bathroom. Jasmine Davidson is a busy single mum and part-time model. She may have perfectly manicured nails, but that hasn't stopped her trying to lay her own flooring. It's now in complete shambles, as her mother is only too keen to point out. Finally, Phil Arnold proved he is one of the nation's most fearless DIYers by taking on the removal of a wasp nest in his shed. To the amusement of his wife, he did this, marched into battle armed with an electric fly swatter.