Detective Inspector Lynley and Detective Sergeant Havers are drawn into the closed world of prestigious public school Bredgar Hall when a promising young pupil, Matthew Whateley, goes missing. Lynley brings Havers along, knowing that her frank, no-nonsense attitude will cut straight through the school's elaborate facades and archaic traditions. She seeks out Matthew's friend, Harry Morant, but is frustrated to find that that the school code prevents him from opening up to her - even when Matthew's dead body is discovered in a nearby churchyard. Lynley and Havers' investigation penetrates the heart of this exclusive institution and they uncover a Mafia-like society run by the school's élite sixth-formers. It is an underworld of drug taking and dealing, bullying and blackmail, a twisted reaction to the relentless pressure placed on the boys to fulfil the expectations of family and society. When Harry Morant disappears, the race is on to find Matthew's killer before he too is harmed. Guest stars included Bill Nighy as Lockwood, Martin Jarvis as Cowfrey Pitt and John Sessions as John Corntel.