As the bomb counts down, Yunyun has second thoughts and runs after the detached carriage. The Bomb explodes and Canaan reacts, as what presumably is her "true strength" becomes apparent, she starts to see Alphard as green (signifying fear) Canaan then injures Alphard, and she attempts to escape via helicopter, that shoots into the carrages to cover Alphard's escape. Before Alphard climbs onto her helicopter, Canaan reveals that Maria isn't dead, as she can still feel her kindness, and that she isn't a "light" to Canaan, but a Friend. Meanwhile Yunyun carries an injured Maria away from the burning carrage. As Alphard tries to escape Canaan shoots the Machine Gunner on the helicopter, making him spin the machine gun to fire into the cabin, killing the pilot and critically damaging the helicopter, Before the helicopter crashes into a mountain face, Canaan and Alphard drop back onto the train that then goes into a tunnel. Canaan who is on top of Alphard beats her repeatedly, before seeing her color turn to a radiant white. After realising that Siam only called Alphard by her current name before she killed him, she regains some strenth and then attacks Canaan with her knife. She then jumps back and slips off the train, Canaan then grabs Alphard's arm before her knife she used to stop her fall breaks. Canaan refuses to let Alphard die, because to Canaan, she is already dead. Explaining that Alphard's heart died when she killed Siam, while Canaan met new people and Lived a relatively normal existence. Canaan refuses to let Alphard go for this reason, and orders her as a "living person" to "Quit dying" Canaan's Pistol then falls off the train, Alphard grabs it and says to Canaan that she is pointless and wants to "free herself from the snake", Alphard then uses it to shoot her own arm off, cutting her free to fall to her death. Maria then wakes up back in a Shanghai Hospital, after having a dream where Canaan says that they've drifted apart and that "we can never be like what we were". As she wakes up, Mino walks in to explain what she missed, showing how an exausted Yunyun eventually carried Maria to run into Minoru in Santana's SUV. Minoru then says that Yunyun who thought she had died was alright after having some steambuns and has already gone back to working. Mino tells Maria that he tried to Contact Canaan, but couldn't. Maria still depressed states that she can never achive her goal of not needing Canaan for protection, but rather be as strong as her to "walk along side her". Mino tells Maria that she can be with Canaan with her heart, and her collour. Meanwhile Canaan says that anywhere she is, she can feel Maria's kindness, and that keeps her going. After a short montage where Maria talks about Shanghai after the events in the series, Minoru visits Santana's old titty bar, where he sees a glass with a dead flower left by Hakko. Minoru then sing's nene's "I'm Still alive" before breaking into tears. Maria and Mino then pack to leave Shanghai, the reappearing cabbie then takes them to the airport, a new song from the idol singer Nene plays as Maria explains how so much has happened, and that she'll never forget it, she reflects that she still wants to feel strong and be amazing. Minoru tells Maria in the cab that she is "amazing" and that she is stronger. Yunyun, now working at a fruit market spruking bananas with watermelons in her top, Cummings has now become a Buddhist Monk, and Alphard who apparently survived the fall from the train sits in the airport, before vanishing behind passengers walking past. On the Plane Maria repeats that she'll never forget Shanghai. Meanwhile back on the ground, Canaan with a Scoped SIG SG 550 Pretends to shoot down a plane (presumably Maria travelling back to Japan), saying that it's hers. Back in Japan Maria's photos from her trip to China go on display, After showing various photos of Canaan while maria explains that Canaan's existence is very bright, and hard to look at with the naked eye, Even though it may hurt, she can continue to look at it. Maria then stops to look at a photo of Canaan and Alphard hang side by side with a single plaque titled "Canaan" saying "this must be the life of a normal girl. After the Final credits, Canaan is now in Florence, Italy Cleaning her Beretta Px4 Type G and sporting a Pony Tail and jacket, gets a call from Yuri telling her she has a new "difficult" job, that is to to kill "a woman with one arm" (Alphard). Possibly leaving open a window for a Sequel.