Эпизод "Эпизод 35, 2005". Вся информация о нём на KinoClever

Эпизод 35

Monday 18th April 2005

Tom took advantage of Mandy and Tony and refused to go to school. The Deans were having plumbing trouble and Jake wasn't happy to help. He told Steph and Craig to call a plumber but they couldn't afford one. The Owen's prepared for Russ's 21st Birthday. Nicole advised Russ to tell Carrie about Mr. Owen's impending visit. Louise wound Joe up saying Jeremy royalty. Joe tried to chat Louise up. Tom had fun annoying Mandy and Tony. Mandy and Max gave Tom a mobile in case he goes missing again. He phoned Mandy up and asked for a dog! Joe was keen to find out about Jeremy's background, but Zara didn't believe he was royalty. When Jeremy asked Joe to borrow a scart lead, Zara shouted at him for been a snob. Russ was snooped around looking for birthday presents. Mr. Owen arrived. The Deans had no luck getting Frankie a date. Zara and Joe were still suspicious so Louise had fun winding them up. Tom had fun playing with his new mobile. Carrie was mad with Russ for inviting Mr. Owen to his birthd