Эпизод "Ste's Fight for Custody, 2016". Вся информация о нём на KinoClever

Ste's Fight for Custody

Ste's over the moon when Leah gets the part in a Banana Bongos advert (well, who wouldn't be?!) but things go sour when Daddy RyRy turns up on set. While the "adults” bicker over Ryan's revelation, Leah ends up running off and Ste can't keep his cool. After Harry pushes Ste to go to the hospital for a scan, Ste decides to open up to Amy about his blackouts. But Ste takes a serious blow when his honesty backfires and Amy tells him that they are going for full custody of Leah and Lucas. Things go from bad to worse for Ste, when Ryan refuses to let Ste spend time with Leah - but he promises to get back on track and goes straight to Citizen's Advice for some help...