As Karasuma briefly senses what appears to be a fearsome aura coming from Nagisa, Akira Takaoka, an aquaintance of Karasuma from the Ministry of Defense, is sent to Class 3-E to take over Karasuma's role as P. E. teacher. While initially proving popular with the students to do his light-hearted personality, they soon learn his true nature as a ruthless and sadistic instructor who uses fear and violence to train his pupils. When Karasuma voices his objection, Takaoka challenges him to pick one of his students to face off against him using a real knife. Placing his faith in the aura he felt before, Karasuma nominates Nagisa to fight against Takaoka. Following Karasuma's advice and going against Takaoka's expectations of being afraid of wielding a knife, Nagisa uses the assassination skills he had learned and manages to get the upper hand on Takaoka, winning the match. When Takaoka violently objects to defeat, Karasuma beats him back while Asano fires him, with Karasuma returning to his usual teaching position.