Эпизод "Хина-сан невеста Мамору... , 2004". Вся информация о нём на KinoClever

Хина-сан невеста Мамору...

Hina was Mamoru's Fiancée...

Recently Rei has been acting secretive, as though she's got something to hide. This is because she happens to know Sailor Venus' true identity, and has been been lost in thought over how to decipher Venus' mysterious actions on her own. Makoto hasn't taken a liking to Rei's recent behavior. But moreover, she's anxious about the direction in which Usagi and Mamoru's love is heading. Finally, Makoto resolves herself to tell Usagi about Mamoru and his girlfriend's engagement. At that time, however, Usagi happens to bump into Mamoru while walking and ends up going on a double-date with him. Usagi embraces this glimmer of hope, but fate has something different in mind for her...