After being left in charge of the Little Busters, Riki is struggling about what he should do since he no longer has Kyousuke to lead him, Kyousuke himself explains Riki he is now stronger than ever and all the things he's done, wether he realised it or not, proved that he was stronger than he believed he would be, Kyousuke leaves, telling Riki to become stronger. In the club room, still struggling, Riki gets encouragement words from Haruka and Mio who explain how Riki saved their lives. On the rooftop Kurugaya, Komari and Kudryavka also explain how Riki helped them overcome their problems and saved their lives. With all this in mind Riki comes up with a strategy to defeat the oponents' team. During the game the team is being watched by all their friends (even Sasami and her minions) and successfully defeats the other team, leaving them victorious as the Little Busters. After the credits some scenes are shown that are similar to the Little Busters visual novel's Refrain route after Kyousuke's plan went into action. They depict Rin leaving the school and Kyousuke and Kengo fighting in the rain after their baseball match. The episode ends with the title screen of "Little Busters Refrain" (the visual novel's final route) and Kyousuke's voice saying "The time that had stopped begins to move once more" implying there is still a secret to this world to be discovered and the story is not over yet.