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Эпизод 7

The Wreck of the Fox: The Arctic Legacy of Franklin

"What secrets may be hidden within those wrecked or stranded ships, we know not - what may be buried in the graves of our unhappy countrymen or in caches not yet discovered, we have yet to learn. The bodies and graves, which we were told of have not yet been found; the books, journals have not yet been recovered, and thus left in ignorance and darkness with so little obtained and so much yet to learn. Can it be said and is it fitting to pronounce that the fate of the expedition is ascertained.” -Lady Jane Franklin The Franklin Expedition is the Canadian Arctic's greatest tragedy. The search for Franklin survivors was one of the largest and longest in naval history. Despairing at what she considered to be inaction by the British Admiralty, Lady Jane Franklin dispatched the yacht "Fox” under the command of Captain Francis Leopold McClintock, to search the Arctic for signs of her husband. He arrived in the Arctic in 1858 and began an expensive search, which greatly enlarged the available information on the fate of Franklin and his men. Join James Delgado and "The Sea Hunters” dive team as they travel to the Canadian Arctic to retrace McClintock's path and then search for the remains of McClintock's vessel, the "Fox”, lost in that ice covered white wilderness. Jim Delgado's extensive research on the Canadian Arctic and on the search for Franklin has just been published in his newest book, "Across the Top of the World”. Work done by Jim in research along with Eco-Nova's long established expertise in Arctic search and filming techniques, will bring this story to light and will reopen a fascinating era of British Exploration and Canadian Nation Building.