In the city of Futo, detective Shotaro Hidari has an unpleasant visit from his new boss Akiko Narumi, who has just arrived after learning that her father has gone missing. As Shotaro learns of the girl's relation to his mentor and boss, hiding what became of him, his childhood friend Marina Tsumura arrives in need of his help in finding her boyfriend Yousuke Togawa. Taking the case, with Akiko tailing him against his will, Shotaro learns from his best friend Detective Mikio Jinno that the Windscale building Yousuke worked at has been destroyed by a fiery Dopant. Akiko's initial curiosity turns into terror when she and Shotaro are attacked by the Magma Dopant. Later that night, staying in spite of being told to leave, Akiko ends up stumbling onto a secret room where she meets Shotaro's partner Philip before she unintentionally has him focus on takoyaki instead of the Dopant. As Shotaro explains what the Dopant are, Philip finally resumes his research as he accesses the Gaia Library to put the pieces together before Shotaro heads out. Shotaro finds Yousuke, approaching him to have him return to Marina. However, thinking he works for Windscale, Yousuke transforms into the Magma Dopant to attack Shotaro. He calls Philip, who uses the Cyclone Memory in his own belt, which travels with his soul (or in other words, Soul Forwards) to Shotaro's Double Driver, allowing him to transform into Kamen Rider Double. He battles the Magma Dopant as CycloneJoker before transforming into LunaJoker to use his limb-stretching powers to overpower the Dopant. Double then transforms back into CycloneJoker to execute the Joker Extreme, destroying the Magma Memory and returning Yousuke back to normal. However, before he can do anything else, Yousuke is taken by the T-Rex Dopant. Double summons the RevolGarry with Akiko and Philip's body inside. [1]