Эпизод "Рождение "Белого крыла". Часть 5, 2015". Вся информация о нём на KinoClever

Рождение "Белого крыла". Часть 5

The Seed of Blanc Aile V

Amane is extremely thrilled to see Kazuki again and becomes emotional as the latter reminds the former of the promise they made years ago. Yuuji regains consciousness inside a room and reunites with his old platoon leader Justin Mikemeyer who has been promoted to Captain. Jimmy's wife, Zoey Graham, a member of the U. S. Central Intelligence Agency, enters the room and reveals that her father, a journalist who once pursued Oslo, was one of Yuuji's dead victims when he still worked for Oslo. Zoey then admits her desire to kill Yuuji in revenge but he warns her that should he die right now, the bomb Oslo's men attached to him will explode and kill everyone on the ship. However, he declares that he will return and die by her hand after he settles the score with Oslo. Zoey is skeptical but she accepts as she does not want Yuuji to die before Oslo is killed. On the deck, Kazuki introduces Chizuru Tachibana as the ship's new owner and has it renamed as Mihama Academy. Yuuji, having recovered, meets Kazuki on the deck and asks her about her plans. She reveals that there is privately-owned island in Micronesia that once belonged to Asako who had its ownership transferred to Yuuji in the event of her death thus making him its current official owner. Yuuji then slaps Kazuki for worrying him so much for years and she apologizes. Now under considerable stress and pressure, Yuuji cries on her chest and Kazuki gives him two options: cut off his arm to remove the bomb and take refuge with her on the island for the rest of their lives or settle things with Oslo himself. She then comforts Yuuji which convinces him to go after Oslo and asks Kazuki to locate him. They then share a moment with each other. Yuuji then reunites with Millie and comically punches her in the face on reflex having learned that she threw away her promising military career for him. He then reveals his plans to face Oslo to the girls and promises to survive and return. Michiru's second personality emerges and kisses Yuuji for good luck which angers the other girls, including Millie, who then proceed to punish her as Kazuki returns and reveals Oslo's location. As Yuuji makes preparations to leave, JB warns him against fighting Oslo and explains that it was Oslo who gave Asako the bullet wound that ultimately killed her but this only fuels Yuuji's desire to fight. He then leaves with Millie on a helicopter. While en route to Oslo's base, they talk for a while about Yuuji's resolve. Back on the ship, Kazuki declares that Oslo will be able to hijack the Thanatos System in a few hours so she decides to get rid of the System which is currently running on auxiliary power in the Pacific Ocean. She then gives Michiru the task of cutting the cable that connects the System to its power source under the ocean while the other girls will search for bombs that might be littered in the area. Yumiko is tasked with searching for possible locations of Oslo's planted bombs and comes up with two places, both of which are directly connected to Oslo. In Akasaka, the top brass of CIRS called in Agnes Garrett, Yuuji's former superior in the naval academy, to give information on him. Kazuki contacts them and uses her former position as the Thanatos System's core to order Agnes to send a team to the potential bomb locations. Unfortunately, the CIRS top brass are arguing over who to send to the areas until JB enters Yumiko's room and offers to take charge on-site. Finally, Yuuji arrives at Oslo's base, kills the guard on duty, and sneaks in while silently declaring his return.