Anzelotte discusses the situation with Elis with her aides, noting that her power forced both fleets to retreat. Meanwhile, Bell Zephyr confers with Lion, who reveals that Shaimal will destroy everything when released. Renji, Kureha, and Akari confront Anzelotte, who tells them that Elis can awaken into Shaimal at any time. Anzelotte confers with Gazer, her god, and confronts him over why he ordered her to recover the seven jewels. Under his orders, she orders Elis to be executed, but the execution team is overwhelmed by Elis' awakened powers. Elis regains her sense of self and tries to escape. Kirihito arrives and dispatches the guards trying to attack her, and with Renji, the three go to Earth. The three then decide to visit Elis' orphanage, and wizards begin attacking them, with Akari watching them in the background.