(Synopsis credited to Ninja Turtles. com) Donatello has dragged Michaelangelo to a scientific convention so that Don can hear the mutant-related theories of the eccentric Dr. Quease (Donny thinks the Doc is brilliant, Mikey thinks that he's a quack). Quease, ever on the edge of scientific discovery, wears a direct nueral (brain) implant that jacks him directly into the internet, as well as giving him the ability to jack into any computerized machine. Suddenly, a group of the Dragon Lord's Rank warriors burst into the lecture hall and abduct Dr. Quease, escaping before the TMNT have a chance to react. The Dragon Lord has captured Dr. Quease in order to combine the doctor's scientific expertise with DL's vast occult knowledge. The Dragon Lord attempts to entice Dr. Quease to work for him by giving him a lab full of state-of-the-art equipment. Amongst the apparatus in this lab is a stolen classified device called the Heliumcooled Cyber 600, the most powerful dissection machine ever buil