(Synopsis credited to Ninja Turtles. com) While jogging through the city's sewers, the five Turtles find an animal cage holding a live endangered baby hawksbill sea turtle. The TMNT discover the man responsible for capturing the little terrapin -- Simon Bonesteel -- just as the poacher is about to sell the baby turtle to a dealer in illegal wildlife trade. After a brief introductory skirmish with Bonesteel and his overcoat's seemingly endless arsenal of weaponry, the Turtles manage to escape with the young hawksbill. Bonesteel, however, is far from beaten and vows to take up the hunt--- the hunt for Ninja Turtles! The TMNT are barely a few sewer blocks away when Bonesteel attacks anew. The fight is fast and furious as Bonesteel proves to be as much a physically powerful street brawler as he is adept at using bull whips, crossbows and steel net snares. Seeing that they appear to be evenly matched, the TMNT and Bonesteel agree to a truce of sorts. Each side going their respective ways;