Rabbit is happily Spring cleaning his house. He has a bunny book end, and although he adores it, he hasn't got a mate for it and reluctantly takes it to the tip with the other junk. Later on Roo finds it, along with two snow shoes. He gives the bunny book end to Piglet and tells him his snow shoes are tennis racquets. He gives Roo a ball for which Roo trades his Bunny Book end. Piglet doesn't know what to do with it so he gives it to Pooh. Pooh decided to hold the Bunny Book end up with some hunny as she doesn't have a mate. Rabbit comes to Pooh's house and thinks that she's the Bunny book end's mate and desperately offers Pooh five pots of hunny for her. However Rabbit only has 4 pots and goes with Tigger to get some more, finding it's more trouble than it's worth! He finally gets the hunny, gives it to Pooh, gets the book end. The gang arrive and when they're talking, Rabbit discovers it's the same book end, however the gang have made Rabbit a mate since it meant so much to him