Эпизод "Impact! The Eve of the Great Life or Death Struggle!, 1995". Вся информация о нём на KinoClever

Impact! The Eve of the Great Life or Death Struggle!

Rezo finally opens his eyes, but his blindness has turned him into the Dark Lord, Shabranigdo. Shabranigdo offers them to join him, but they refuse it. After a few words, Zolf tries to stop him using ""Dragon Slave"" but it has no affect on Shabranigdo. Shabranigdo then fires back, and Rodimus runs to save Zolf. They are caught in Shabranigdo's attack, and die. Leaving Lina, Zelgadis and Gourry all alone. They decide to run for it, and decide to sleep on it for one night. While at dinner, Zelgadis explains he did a spell against Shabranigdo, that is almost as powerful as Dragon Slave that uses the astral plane. Gourry doesn't get most of it, and Lina tries to explain that using Dragon Slave, or any other black magic is not an option, due to the fact that Shabranigdo is the ""Dark"" lord. They only way for them in hopes to atleast hurt him in some way is by using the sword of light. They all embark in this adventure tale, whether they die or not. They are interrupted by trolls runni