To enter Sairaag, Lina, Gourry and Amelia sneaked into the city in the night, so they won't get caught. They hid in an alley and a girl named Sylphiel finds them. Sylphiel knows Gourry and brings them home. She explains that a month ago, a sorcereress named Eris had told them that an email sorceress named Lina Inverse had Gourry undermind control and is destroying the world. They decide to see this girl named Eris who is staying at a mansion in town. When they enter (through a hole they made in the wall), the walk upon the stairs and see a potrait of Rezo. Eris (along with Vrumugun and Zangulus) welcomes the intruders, they get into a fight. Vrumugun starts to appear more and more, and Lina figured that they all must a copy. At that moment, Zelgadis breaks in, and starts to kill off all of the copies. He then tells them that Eris is controlling him. Eris then welcomes the traitor. She then tells them that Zelgadis used to work for Rezo. At that moment, Rezo comes out of the shad