Sylphiel along with Amelia manages to stop Lina's bleeding. Sylphiel reveals she'll need a full body healing. Rezo (or Zanaffar) tries to stop them, and with Zelgadis help, he sends Sylphiel and Lina off somewhere safe. Gourry is about to do an attack on Zanaffar, but Prince Phil comes riding in with his horse. He tries to attack Zanaffar with a mace, but Zanaffar attacks back easily. Amelia then casts a dark mist spell, and all of them retreats. Amelia heals her father, while they think what to spell or attack to use against Zanaffar. Back with Sylphiel, she goes to a safe place, and is ready to heal Lina... but that's when she notice when Lina looks a different color. Lina's dead! She hits her roughly his her chest, with her fists, and starts to do CPR. Lina's heart starts to beat again, so Sylphiel proceeds to do the full body healing spell which uses all of her strength. Sylphiel faints, as a big blast came out of her. Sylphiel a then wakes up and notices that she used to