Harvey is feeding off the local panic, making a small fortune selling ""Creature in the bay"" T-shirts. Just when things start to calm down, the situation escalates when a fishing boat catches something huge in its net, and is pulled underwater by the mysterious entity below the surface. When Baywatch finally receives a new rescue boat called a scarab, Mitch, Thorpe and Devon head out looking for the sea-monster. When they have located it, Mitch and Devon dive down and they are surprised to find a little submarine down there. The submarine catches Devon. But Mitch rescues her and attaches the anchor of the scarab to the little submarine. When they have transported the little submarine to shore, they find out that a ruthless independent oil speculator named Van Alden, who works for Petrovision, is behind the whole thing. Petrovision was trying to get a jump on the competition for offshore oil drilling tracts by trying to discover which tracts contained the riches oil deposits. Walt found