Kaname's finally getting her summer fun, but she doesn't seem too thrilled about it. A few days prior, Mithril Intelligence obtained information that an arch nemesis Sousuke knows very well is alive and wandering the barren wastelands of Helmajistan. While Captain Testarossa is against the idea, Intelligence deploys Sousuke, along with a Mithril unit based in the Indian Ocean, to Helmajistan to assassinate this dangerous target. On the flight over, Sousuke gets heckled by some of his "comrades”, making it a very unpleasant flight for our young Sergeant. Eventually, the team arrives in theater and parachutes in country. Being back in Helmajistan brings Sousuke's memories of his days as a guerilla fighter there flooding back, but there's no time for reminiscing, as their target and his convoy are within sight. Planning for their attack, Sousuke tries to voice his opinion, but is immediately rebuffed by his so-called allies, setting them up for disaster. Just as the ambush is about to commence, Sousuke tries desperately to convince them to cancel their attack, but some of the more hotheaded members aren't interested and commence firing--throwing the whole situation into total disarray. While the Savages get dealt with fairly easily by the M9's, the mysterious red AS takes out Batist's M9, but to make matters incredibly worse for the Mithril force, Gauron and his fearsome Codarl AS have resurrected to join the party!