An alien bounty hunter named Starock attacks the space shuttle as Lois and Jimmy are flying on it toward a space station. Superman rescues the shuttle but when he attacks Starock's ship he is knocked away. Starock seizes the shuttle and heads into hyperspace with Superman in hot pursuit. Lois and Jimmy are taken to an alien city where they are treated very well. The aliens are fattening them up because their bodies contain proteins that will make the aliens immortal. Superman and a friendly alien manage to rescue Lois and Jimmy before they are injured. Superman defeats Starock and flies the shuttle back to Earth. (Family Album Segment) Clark Kent leaves Smallville for Metropolis. Before he leaves, his mother gives him his costume which she made from blankets that arrived with him in his spaceship. In Metropolis, Clark tries to get a job at the Daily Planet. As he is being interviewed by Perry White, Lois informs them that a bank is being robbed with a tank. Perry promises Clark a job if he can get the scoop on the story. Clark changes into Superman and stops the robbery. Later, he writes the newspaper story on Superman.