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Эпизод 2

Pains, Drains, and Robomobiles & Jungle Bugs

Pains, Drains, and Robomobiles: When Reg gets a winning lottery ticket, he floors it to the lottery office in his 'robomobile', but when he and Rube miss the office by thousands of miles, then their only hope is to get back to Vexburg before the ticket expires, and that's not so easy with a temporarily powerless Roboroach! Jungle Bugs: From floor scrubbers to field researchers in a snap! Reg thinks that his luck has finally changed when Sterling Uberbucks hires him and Rube to find the legendary 'Dyno-mites', a disco-like tribe of jungle bugs, and film their sacred dance ritual, but Rube and Reg must pass a series of Disco tests first.