Эпизод "Мои подруги детства слишком часто ссорятся, 2013". Вся информация о нём на KinoClever

Мои подруги детства слишком часто ссорятся

My Childhood Friends Fight Too Much

As the discussion returns to what to do for the cultural festival, Kobato brings up that her class is doing a movie that she's not keen on playing the lead role in. This gives the Neighbor Club the idea to do a movie themselves. In order to do research for it, Yozora invites Kodaka to go to a movie with her, only to end up watching a particularly steamy film. As they then decide to visit a cat-themed café, Yozora recalls how they once looked after an abandoned kitten who suddenly disappeared one day, leading Yozora to become wary of making bonds with those who may suddenly disappear from your life. To everyone's surprise, Yozora turns in a script worth using, although her plan to cast her and Kodaka as the leads is thwarted when the club decides to put it to a vote, leading to some curious casting. The gang soon take a disliking to Yozora's subsequent alterations to the script, which put some bias towards her and Kodaka's roles. When Sena tells Yozora that her childhood friendship with Kodaka is irrelevant, Yozora reacts harshly and bursts out the clubroom in tears. Kodaka later assures Yozora that both their relationship now and ten years ago are equally important, and she soon reworks the script into something reasonable.